Gears and Grub

Rincon, GA

Oct 15, 2023

Page updated:

 03/13/2023 11:22:12

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Richard Miller, Jim Spensor


Don Kennedy, Rick Freeman


We met for breakfast and then waited in the Lowes parking lot for the gates to open at 9.


Diane Padgett did not drive George Padgett's car.


Donna Grant, Ann Miller


Ann Miller, Donna Grant


Ann Miller


Frank Stainback (r)


Don Kennedy,  Tony Bragg


Diane Padgett


Can't get the trunk open.


Rick Freeman, Don Kennedy, Tony's daughter, Tony Bragg, Diane Padgett, Grumpy Cowart


DLC line up.  We did not all get to park together.


Jack Jackson



This is a Swiss army truck.


302 Maverick


No one got hurt.


Diane Padgett


One eyed, one horn, flying, purple, people eater.


Greg was a member many years ago.


Greg's ride.


Donna's red car in background


Viper red


This was his father's 1958 Chevy.  We may see him soon at a club meeting.


Fog light converted to LED.


Dave Simmons (r) and others.


Anita and Bobby Fennell


Grumpy Cowart


Jack Jackson's car won a trophy



Brant Rushing and his little Peter(built) truck.  He won a trophy.



Smoke from the jet dragster





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