Dixieland Cruisers

Events Calendar






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Last updated on 12/31/2024

Visitors to this page:6641



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  TBD    Harold's Country Club Cruise-In

                  See our trip 06/13/2019.

                Jo Carrol will need to know if you are

                comming and what food you want.

                Watch and answer your emails for details.






   01/14/2025  DLC Meeting  St. Patrick's Episcopal Church

                             1285 Pine Barron Rd.  Join the club at this

                              meeting.  Drive your hot rod.  50/50 drawing.    




          02/01/2025   Rides on the River, Fort McAllister

                        This is a cruise-in to support the fort.

                        Please call 912-727-2339 to reserve

                        a space.   Facebook






                 Help us keep up to date:                  

  1. Add your event, send flyer to Webmaster


  2. Music     (Right click here and pick "Open link in new tab").


    3. https://www.facebook.com/southeastregionalcarcouncil/