Who's Who in D.L.C.
Members Past and Present
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Chris Adams
Mrs. Adams
Donnie Applekamp
Dick Aslet
Becky Baker - no pix

Crawford Baker

Linda Baker

Ronnie Baker

Frank E. Balcom Jr.

William Bannon

Hickman Bamburg Jr.

Shirley Bamburg - no pix

Dan Barton

Mike Bell

Mike Benson

Greg Blackard

Keefe' Blatchley

Keefe Blatchley Jr.  "K.J."

Stephanie Bock

Carl Bogulski

Rita Bogulski

Rudy Bowers

Mimps Bowers

Joyce Bragg

Mike Bragg

Tony Bragg

Byron Brewer

Mary Brewer

Terry Brooks

Andria Brooks

Joey Broussard

Sheila Broussard

Eddie L. Brown

Fred (Elvis) Brown

Nancy Brown

Rusty Brown

Elisabeth Bruner

Micheal Bruner

Hal Burnsed

Robert Busch

Cliff Callaway

Jay Callaway

Gerald Cameron

Anthony Cinelli

Bill Clark

Cathy Clark

Glenda Claxton - no pix

Lester Claxton

David Coffelt

Cynthia "Cookie" Cole

Raymond (Shorty) Cole

Debbie Cooler

Sonny Cooler

Ron Corzine

Laura Corzine

Tom "Grumpy" Cowart

Anna Cowart

Danny Crawford

Francine Crawford

Jack Crosby

Carl Rogers Daniels

Wanda Daniels - no pix

Daniel (Smiley) Dasher

Mary Dasher - no pix

Debbie Daugherty

Leonard Daugherty

Red Davis

Wanda Davis - no pix

Brenda Denmark - no pix

Ed Denmark

Harvey Alvin Dobson

John "Johnny" J. Dowd

Lucille Dowd - no pix

Nelson Eller

Jerry Evans

Linda Evans - no pix

Carl Fama

Bobby Fennell

Anita Fennell

Ron Fenters

Shirley Fenters

Mike Ferrell

Laura Ferrell - no pix

Robbie Finch

Gay Finch

Deana Flanagan (Morgan)

Kathy Flanagan

Jim (Herbie) Flanagan

Nancy Flanagan

Mike Flanagan

Randall Floyd

Charles Forrest

John Forrester

Mark Forrester

Leslie Fowler

OC Fowler

Rick Freeman

Debbie Freeman

Jeff Froehle

Lee Froehle

Tory Fuller - no pix

R.T. Fuller - no pix

Wilbert Gillis

Gary Gillman

Kathy Gillman - no pix

BJ Gordon

Dennis Gould

Dennis Gould wife

Donna Grant

Jim Grant

Mark Grant

Wanda Grant

Bunnye Gray

Dale Gray

Jimmy Grist

George Grotton

Irene Grotton

Isabelle Haring

Mike Haring

Don Harris

Lucy Ann "LuAnn" Courtney Harris

Johnnie Harris

Melanie Harris - no pix

Latrelle Harrison - no pix

Porter Harrison

Marie Haskett

Andy Hetland, III - no pix

Bill Hill

Sherry Hill

Don Hillis

Jack Jackson

Terri Jones

Jo Ann Jones

Don Kennedy

Harold Kimball

Donna Kimball 

Ernestine Klopp - no pix

Larry Klopp

Anita Lance - no pix

Billy Lance

John "Johnny" Lance Jr.

Johnny Earl Lanier

Nancy Lanier

William D. "Denny" Lee

James Lee

Judy Lee

Dawn Lewis

Jack Lewis

Donald "Don" V. Lockard

Barbara Lowther

Tex Lowther

Danny McSpadden

Rose McSpadden

Jim Magill

Bill Markesteyn

Jo Carol Martin

Mac Mason

Valarie Mason

James "Jim" Mays

Ann Miller

William "Ken"  Miller

Jacklyn Miller

Richard Miller

Conrad Monroe

Michelle Monroe

Robert "Shelby" Morris, Sr.

Don Morton

Butch Mosley

Judy Mosley - no pix

Jeffery "Jeff" Thomas Myers

Kim Myers - no pix

Lisa Nelson

Rob Nelson

John Newsome

Kirk Palis- no pix

Anthony Palma

Darryle Padgett

Patti Padgett

Peggy Ann Padgett

George Glenn Padgett

Bobby Phillips

Margaret Phillips - no pix

Debbie Piascik

Jake Piascik

Linda Pinault

Vince Pinault

Becky Pullin - no pix

William Earl Pullin

Carrie Rice - no pix

Jeff Rice

Stan Riner

Louise Riner - no pix

Kelvin Roberson

Ignatius W. "Izzy" Rogers

Judy Rogers - no pix

Robert Romanelli

Brant Rushing - no pix

Diane Rushing - no pix

Dale Shearer

Charles Shearouse

Judy Shearouse

Darlene Sheffield - no pix

James Sheffield

Jeanne Shurling

Dewey Shurling

George Siegel

Sherry Siegel

Bill Silva

Tammy Silva

Bob Smith

Fran Smith

Marcia Smith - no pix

Wendell Smith

Cindy Spencer

Jim Spencer

Frank Stainback

Brenda Stainback

Tony Strickland

Earl Stokes

Shirley Stokes

Carol Swinford

Jim Swinford

Mark Tessneer

Ty Tessneer

Bill Tice

Georgia Tice - no pix

Betsy Hoit-Thetford

Richard Hoit-Thetford

Sharon Triplett

D. "Trip" Triplett

Daniel Tohill

Billy Turner

Gencie Turner

Don Tyler - no pix

Phyllis Tyler - no pix

Brad Vantien

Karee Vazquez - no pix

Tony Vazquez

John Wade

Martha Wade

John Waldhauer - no pix

Mickie Waldhauer - no pix

Bill Warner 

Jean Warner - Wilder

Brantley Webb

Jan Webb

Paris Wells

Gene Wilder

Dale Williams

Carolyn Williamson

Collette Williamson

Roy Williamson

Steve Williamson

Rick Wilson

 Scott Wilson

Tammy Wilson

Elmer Lawrence Winkler, Jr.

Sherry Winkler - no pix

Janice Whited

Jimmy Whited

Jimmy Wohlert

Jo Ann Wohlert

Don "Richard" Wood

Laura Wood



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